

Frequently Asked Questions

Shipping & Handling


 We hate high shipping and handling charges as much as you do! So we only charge a flat $4 per item on most of the shakers in the store - no hidden charges! Of course, there are a few exceptions (less than 5%) where the shakers are 2-3 times bigger and heavier than normal, so we do have to add a surcharge on those items. But, they are few, and it's clearly marked in the description.


We ship using USPS Mail, which delivers within 2-3 days to most addresses in the US. We ship as soon as possible, but it may take 3-5 days for us to process your order. We will email you a confirmation number as soon as we ship.

The shipping rates are for the lower 48 states. For other shipping, please Contact Us and we will quote you a shipping rate.

Sales Tax

We only charge sales tax on orders whose Billing Address or Shipping Address is in the state of Tennessee.  However, like all other online sales, you may be required by your state to pay the sales tax on your tax return. Please consult your local tax office.




You may return a shaker set in new condition within 30 days. Upon receipt and verification, we will refund you the sales price minus the $4 shipping per item and minus a 15% re-stocking charge. The latter is due to the fact that the $4/item is a small portion of the actual shipping and handling costs which we pay for you. All returns require an RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization) number. Please  Contact Us and we will issue one for you. We cannot accept returns without it.



Who are we?

The Salt and Pepper Shaker Store is an extension of the gift shop at The Salt and Pepper Shaker Museum. The Museum is located in Gatlinburg, Tennessee, and has over 20,000 Salt and Pepper Shakers from all over the world. There is also a sister Museum in El Castell de Guadalest, Alicante, Spain, with another 20,000 shakers, so be sure to check them out!


Here is a list of terms you may find in our descriptions:

-GO-WITH - two or more pieces form a set. Also known as go-togethers and can also be a play in words.
-HUGGER - Two pieces wrap or hug each other. Made popular by artist Ruth Van Tellingen Bendel Patent US2560755A.
-NODDER - where a shaker is perfectly balanced and will pivot back and forth when gently touched. Also part of Rockers and Rollers, Bobbers, Hangers and Weavers.
-NESTER/STACKER - One of the shakers sits on part of the other and the base shaker supports the upper shaker. Also known as Sitters and Holders.
-ONE-PIECE - shakers where the salt and pepper are dispensed from one shaker piece. 
-ANTHROPOMORPHIC - also known as Personification is the attribution of human traits, emotions, form, characteristics or intentions to non-human entities or abstract concepts.
-CRAZING/CRACKLE GLAZE - Characterised as a spider web pattern of cracks penetrating the glaze. Sometimes the effect is accentuated on purpose.
-LUSTER AND OVERGLAZES - creates the gold, platinum, copper, iridescent and Mother of Pearl finish. Sometimes referred to as "third fire" glazes.
-RESIN - casting is a method of plastic casting where a mold is filled with a liquid synthetic resin, which then hardens. Resin can hold more detail than plastic and is primarily used for small-scale production.
-MAGNETIC - refers to any set that uses small magnets to either make them kiss, sit, or hold in place. Eventually with time you may need to reattach them with a drop of superglue.
-LICENSED - In a merchandise license transaction, an artist, designer, trademark owner or celebrity grants a license to a manufacturer to manufacture and sell items which use the property that is the subject of the license, in exchange for money.
-VINTAGE STYLE, RETRO - A reproduction or copy of another work of art. Some manufacturers take the antique molds and make new sets out of them. There is no creative process involved.
-EMBELLISH - as defined by Webster is "to make beautiful by ornamentation, to adorn or to add fanciful details to." IE goggly eyes, rhinestones, straw, motor, beads, spaghetti porcelain, etc.
-MECHANICAL - are any shakers that have a mechanical parts such as a squeaker, wind-up motor, etc.


LOW LOW Shipping Charges!



Don't you hate high shipping and handling costs?      We do too!

That is why we only charge a flat $4 shipping and handling fee per item on most of our products!

No gimmicks, no hidden charges!